Tata Sky DTH/digital TV Customer Care Support Toll Free Numbers in India
Tata Sky DTH/Digital TV is a new technology for the broadcasting of television signals. Traditionally, analog TV transmission has been the traditional method of broadcasting TV channels. But analog TV transmission is not as well-organized as that of digital TV. It uses up much further valuable spectrum than DTH/digital TV, and more than allows TV stations to transmit one channel at a time.
Tata Sky DTH/digital TV signals, the TV programme is coded interested in a digital stream of “0” & “1” similar to with the aim of of a computer. Tata Sky signals occupy much less capacity in the spectrum. So in space required for one analog TV channel, a broadcaster can carry four to five different Tata Sky DTH/digital TV channels. This means greater choice of services as well as better picture and sound quality for the Tata Sky DTH/digital TV viewer. Tata Sky DTH/Digital TV technology can moreover be used to deliver upcoming interactive video and data services that analog technology can't provide.
Tata Sky DTH/digital TV Customer Care Support Toll Free Numbers:
From All Lines (except MTNL): 1860 500 6633 (Toll Free Number)
From MTNL – Mumbai / Delhi: 1860 425 6633 (Toll Free Number)
Tata Sky Customer Care for Western India: 020-6600-6633
Tata Sky Customer Care for Northern India: 0171-6600-6633
Tata Sky Customer Care for Southern & Eastern India: 040-6600-6633
Tata Sky subscribers can also contact Tata Sky via email at:help@tatasky.com
Tata Sky DTH/digital TV Registered office address :
Tata Sky Ltd.
3rd floor, C-1, Wadia International Centre (Bombay Dyeing),
Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai 400 025, India.
*Local telephone number to be updated shortly Toll free number: 1-800-1806633
Name of the state | Telephone number of the nodal officer | E-mail ID of the nodal officer |
KARNATAKA/BANGALORE | 80-60001771 | nodalofficerkarnataka@tatasky.com |
ANDHRA PRADESH/HYDERABAD | 40-60001771 | nodalofficerap@tatasky.com |
TAMIL NADU/CHENNAI | 44-60001771 | nodalofficertn@tatasky.com nodalofficerpuducherry@tatasky.com |
KERALA | 484-6000177 | nodalofficerkerala@tatasky.com |
MAHARASHTRA/MUMBAI | 20-60001771 | nodalofficermaharashtra@tatasky.com |
GOA | 832-6000177 | nodalofficergoa@tatasky.com |
GUJARAT | 79-60001771 | nodalofficergujarat@tatasky.com |
MADHYA PRADESH | 731-6000177 | nodalofficermp@tatasky.com |
CHHATISGARH | 771-6000177 | nodalofficerchhattisgarh@tatasky.com |
BIHAR | 612-6000177 | nodalofficerbihar@tatasky.com |
JHARKHAND | 651-60001771 | nodalofficerjharkhand@tatasky.com |
RAJASTHAN | 141-6000177 | nodalofficerrajasthan@tatasky.com |
UTTAR PRADESH | 522-6000177 | nodalofficeruttarpradesh@tatasky.com |
UTTARAKHAND | 135-6000177 | nodalofficeruttarakhand@tatasky.com |
PUNJAB | 172-6000177 | nodalofficerpunjab@tatasky.com |
HARAYANA/DELHI | 129-6000177 | nodalofficerharyana@tatasky.com |
HIMACHAL PRADESH | 177-6000177 | nodalofficerhp@tatasky.com |
WEST BENGAL/KOLKATA | 33-60001771 | nodalofficerwb@tatasky.com |
ORISSA | 674-6000177 | nodalofficerorissa@tatasky.com |
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